Jelena Vojnović1,2
1Institut za plućne bolesti Vojvodine, Sremska Kamenica, Srbija
2Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet Novi Sad, Srbija
UDK: 616.24-036.1-06:616-001
The paper was received / Rad primljen: 02.10.2024.
Accepted / Rad prihvaćen: 20.11.2024.
Correspondence to:
Jelena Vojnović
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu,
Katedra za zdravstvenu negu,
Medicinski fakultet Novi Sad
Telefon: +381 66 9276394
Hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća (HOBP) je ireverzibilno respiratorno obolјenje, koje rezultira progresivnim ograničenjem protoka vazduha i respiratornim distresom. Pacijenti sa HOBP zbog same progresije bolesti, naročito veće starosne dobi i sa brojnim komorbiditetima, imaju ograničenu pokretljivost, slabost mišića, deficit hoda, poremećenu kontrolu držanja i ravnotežu, fizičku neaktivnost. Navedeni činioci, u poređenju sa zdravom populacijom, mogu doprineti visokom riziku od pada i rezultirati brojnim negativnim posledicama i ishodima bolesti, izazvati smanjenu pokretljivost, invalidnost, produžiti hospitalno lečenje i negu, uticati na njihov kvalitet života, ali i povećati mortalitet. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je bio da se na osnovu relevantnih naučnih izvora interpretiraju do sada identifikovani prediktori pada pacijenta obolelih od HOBP, kako bi se probudila svest o vrednosti ovog indikatora u implementiranju sistema bezbedne kvalitetne zdravstvene zaštite koja zauzima centralno mesto u pogledu pružanja efikasne i adekvatne zdravstvene delatnosti na svim nivoima zdravstvene zaštite.
Ključne reči:
pad, hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća, faktori rizika, procena rizika, prevencija pada
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an irreversible respiratory disease, resulting in progressive airflow restriction and respiratory distress. Patients with COPD, due to the progression of the disease, especially older age and with numerous comorbidities, have limited mobility, muscle weakness, gait deficit, impaired posture control and balance, physical inactivity. These factors, compared to the healthy population, can contribute to a high risk of decline and result in numerous negative consequences and outcomes of the disease, cause reduced mobility, disability, prolong hospital treatment and care, affect their quality of life, but also increase mortality. The aim of this review was to interpret the previously identified predictors of the decline of patients with COPD on the basis of relevant scientific sources, in order to awaken awareness of the value of this indicator in the implementation of a system of safe quality health care, which occupies a central place in terms of providing efficient and adequate health care at all levels of health care.
Key words:
fall, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, risk factors, risk assessment, fall prevention
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PDF: 09 - Vojnović J. MD-Medical Data 2024;16(3) 177-181.pdf