Jovana Pušac
Advokat iz Banjaluke; docent na Fakultetu pravnih nauka Panevropskog Univerziteta „Apeiron“, Banja Luka
UDK: 342.726:616-052
The paper was received / Rad primljen: 01.10.2024.
Accepted / Rad prihvaćen: 12.11.2024.
Correspondence to:
Jovana Pušac
Fakultet pravnih nauka Panevropskog Univerziteta „Apeiron“, Banja Luka,
Bosna i Hercegovina
Jedno od osnovnih prava pacijenta u ostvarivanju zdravstvene zaštite jeste pravo da dobije obaveštenje od strane zdravstvenog radnika koje mu je potrebno kako bi doneo odluku da pristane ili ne pristane na predloženu zdravstvenu uslugu (medicinsku meru). Pacijenta ne obavezuje pristanak kome nije prethodilo potrebno obaveštenje, a nadležni zdravstveni radnik koji preduzima medicinsku meru, odnosno vrši zdravstvenu uslugu, u tom slučaju snosi rizik za štetne posledice. Zakonodavac posebno naglašava neophodnost pismenog pristanka pacijenta, odnosno njegovog zakonskog zastupnika kada je u pitanju preduzimanje predloženih invazivnih dijagnostičkih procedura, operativnih zahvata, kao i medicinskih intervencija nad licem sa smetnjama u mentalnom zdravlju. S druge strane, analiza sudske prakse pokazuje da prethodno obaveštenje pacijenta gotovo nije moguće učiniti taksativno i detaljno kako to nalaže zakonska regulativa, te da opseg obaveštavanja pacijenta zavisi i od zahteva samog pacijenta. .
Ključne reči:
pravo na informaciju, pravo na obaveštenje, pristanak pacijenta, medicinski tretman, zdravstvena usluga.
One of the basic rights of the patient in the realization of health care is the right to receive the notification from the healthcare worker that he needs in order to make a decision to agree or not to agree to the proposed health service (medical measure). The patient is not bound by the consent that was not preceded by the necessary notification, and the competent healthcare worker who undertakes the medical measure, i.e. performs the health service, in that case bears the risk of adverse consequences. The legislator particularly emphasizes the necessity of the written consent of the patient, that is, his legal representative, when it comes to undertaking the proposed invasive diagnostic procedures, operative procedures and medical intervention on a person with mental health disorders. On the other hand, the analysis of judicial practice shows that it is almost impossible to inform the patient in a comprehensive and detailed manner, as required by law, and that the extent of informing the patient also depends on the patient’s request.
Key words:
the patient, right to information, right to notification, patient’s consent, medical treatment, health service
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PDF: 02 - Pušac J. MD-Medical Data 2024;16(3) 139-143.pdf