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CIP -  Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MD : Medical Data : medicinska revija = medical review / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Lalošević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009)- . - Zemun : Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija ; Novi Sad : Pasterovo društvo, 2009- (Beograd : Scripta Internacional). - 30 cm

Dostupno i na: - Tri puta godišnje.

ISSN 1821-1585 = MD. Medical Data
COBISS.SR-ID 158558988





Nataša Čapo1,2, Jelena Đekić Malbaša1,3, Tihomir Dugandžija1,4, Željka Ninković5, Ljubica Nikolić Pajić1,6, Marijana Srećković1,5,6

1University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad, Serbia
2Pasteur Institute Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
3Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina, Sremska Kamenica,
4Oncology Institute of Vojvodina, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia
5Institute of Public Health of Sabac, Šabac, Serbia
6Academy of Professional Studies Šabac, Šabac, Serbia


UDK: 618.19-006.6-036.2(497.11)

The paper was received / Rad primljen: 20.02.2024.

Accepted / Rad prihvaćen: 13.04.2024.


Correspondence to:

Nataša Čapo






Introduction: Breast cancer (BC) presents a considerable global health challenge with elevated mortality rates and an increasing incidence. Our study aims to assess the effectiveness of organized and opportunistic BC screening (BCS) in the Mačva District (MD) and compare the results and shortcomings of these two early detection models. Material and Methods: The research involves a retrospective analysis of age-standardized incidence (ASIRs) and mortality rates (ASMRs) of BC in the MD, as well as an evaluation of the effectiveness of health education and conducted BCS. Results: The ASIR of BC in Central Serbia (CS) (62.5±6.3) was significantly higher than in the MD (55.2±7.6), with p=0.02. The linear trend model showed a decrease in ASIR in both CS (0.1% annually) and the MD (0.5% annually). Although there was no significant difference in ASMR between CS and MD, both regions experienced a decline in ASMR. The coverage of organized BCS in Šabac and Loznica was 35%, with nine new cases of BC detected out of 215 cases in these cities combined. The ASIR in Loznica decreased (from 54.2/100,000 to 51.3/100,000), while it increased in Šabac (from 64.8/100,000 to 70.4/100,000). The ASIR for BC in Šabac was significantly higher than in the MD (p=0.001). Conclusion: The coverage of BCS was significantly lower than the required 75%, and a decrease in the ASIR for BC was observed in the MD. Coordination of all relevant institutions is needed to implement health education and preventive examinations and provide accessible healthcare to improve efficiency in the fight against BC.


Ključne reči:

breast neoplasms, global health, health education







Uvod: Rak dojke predstavlja ozbiljan globalni zdravstveni izazov sa visokom stopom smrtnosti i rastućom incidencijom. Naša studija ima za cilj proceniti efikasnost organizovanog i oportunog skrininga raka dojke u Mačvanskom okrugu i uporediti rezultate ova dva modela ranog otkrivanja karcinoma dojke. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje obuhvata retrospektivnu analizu standardizovanih stopa incidencije (SSI) i mortaliteta (SSM) raka dojke u Mačvanskom okrugu i u Centralnoj Srbiji u periodu 2006-2016. godina, kao i analizu sprovedenog skrininga u periodu 2015-2016. godina u Mačvanskom okrugu. Podaci su prikupljeni iz Zavoda za javno zdravlje, instituta, domova zdravlja, registara za rak i zvaničnih statističkih izvora. Rezultati: SSI raka dojke u Centralnoj Srbiji (62,5±6,3) su značajno više od onih u Mačvanskom okrugu (55,2±7,6), (p=0,02). Linearni model trenda pokazao je pad SSI u Centralnoj Srbiji i Mačvanskom okrugu (0,1% i 0,5 po godini, respektivno). Iako nije bilo značajne razlike u SSM između Centralne Srbije i Mačvanskog okruga, u obe regije je registrovan pad smrtnosti. Programom skrininga u Šapcu i Loznici obuhvaćeno je 35% od ukupnog broja žena uzrasta 50-69 godina. Od ukupnog broja registrovanih slučajeva raka dojke  4.2% (9/215) je detektovano skriningom. SSI u Loznici su se smanjile (od 54,2/100.000 do 51,3/100.000), dok su u Šapcu porasle (od 64,8/100.000 do 70,4/100.000). SSI za rak dojke u Šapcu su bile značajno više nego u Mačvanskom okrugu (p=0,001). Zaključak: Obuhvat žena u skrining programu bila je značajno niža od 75%. Zabeležen je pad SSI za rak dojke u Mačvanskom okrugu. Potrebna je koordinacija svih relevantnih institucija u sprovođenju edukacije, promocije preventivnih pregleda i obezbeđivanja pristupačne zdravstvene zaštite kako bi se poboljšala efikasnost u borbi protiv raka dojke.


Key words:

neoplazme dojke, globalno zdravlje, zdravstvena edukacija






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PDF: 01-Čapo N. et al. MD-Medical Data 2024;16(2) 079-085.pdf



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