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CIP -  Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MD : Medical Data : medicinska revija = medical review / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Lalošević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009)- . - Zemun : Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija ; Novi Sad : Pasterovo društvo, 2009- (Beograd : Scripta Internacional). - 30 cm

Dostupno i na: - Tri puta godišnje.

ISSN 1821-1585 = MD. Medical Data
COBISS.SR-ID 158558988





Nikola Gardić1,2, Aleksandra Lovrenski1,2, Bojan Koledin3, Dejan Miljković1,2, Jovana Baljak1,4, Dejan Vučković1,2

1Medicinski fakultet Novi Sad, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad, Srbija
2Služba za patološko-anatomsku i molekularnu dijagnostiku, Institut za plućne bolesti Vojvodine, Sremska Kamenica, Srbija
3Klinika za grudnu hirurgiju, Institut za plućne bolesti Vojvodine, Sremska Kamenica, Srbija
4Klinika za grudnu hirurgiju, Institut za plućne bolesti Vojvodine, Sremska Kamenica, Srbija


UDK: 616.24-006.3

The paper was received / Rad primljen: 15.11.2023.

Accepted / Rad prihvaćen: 04.12.2023.


Correspondence to:

Nikola Gardić
Institut za plućne bolesti Vojvodine
Služba za patološko-anatomsku i molekularnu dijagnostiku
Put Doktora Goldmana 4
Sremska Kamenica, 21204






Uvod: Primarni plućni sarkomi (PPS) su raznovrsna grupa retkih neepitelnih malignih tumora čineći oko 5% svih malignih tumora pluća, a koji potiču iz mezenhimalnog tkiva. Iako živimo i eri velikog napretka molekularne dijagnostike koji je doprineo preciznijoj dijagnostici i klasifikaciji mekotkivnih tumora, sarkomi i dalje predstavljaju dijagnostičku dilemu kako za patologe, tako i za kliničare u izboru adekvatnog tretmana. Prikaz slučaja: Pacijentkinja je hospitalizovana radi razjašnjena etiologije i potencijalnog hirurškog lečenja promene u plućima. Promena je otkrivena incidentalno na radiogramu grudnog koša. Na CT-u grudnog koša uočena je periferna promena u VI segment levog plućnog krila. Video-asistiranom torakoskopijom načinjena je atipična resekcija čime je promena odstranjena. Histopatološki nalaz na smrznutim rezovima ukazivao je na benignu promenu. Tokom definitivne histopatološke analize uočeno je tumorsko tkivo izgrađeno od slabo do umereno celularnih plaža tumorskih ćelija, uniformnih, okruglih do lako ovalnih jedara sa manjom količinom citoplazme. Nakon definitivne histološke i imunohistohemijske analize nalaz je odgovarao epiteloidnom hemangioendoteliomu. Zaključak: S obzirom na retkost tumora, naš slučaj će dopuniti literature kako na temu epiteloidnog hemangioendotelioma, tako i na temu primarnih vaskularnih tumora pluća.


Ključne reči:

primarni sarkom pluća; epiteloidni hemangioendoteliom; vaskularni tumori






Introduction: Primary pulmonary sarcomas (PPS) are a diverse group of rare non-epithelial malignant lung tumors, accounting for about 5% of all malignant lung tumors, originating from mesenchymal tissue. Although we are living in an era of great progress in molecular diagnostics, which has contributed to a more accurate diagnosis and classification of soft tissue tumors, sarcomas still represent a diagnostic dilemma for both pathologists and clinicians in choosing an adequate treatment. Case report: The patient was hospitalized to clarify the etiology and potential surgical treatment of the lesion in the lungs. The mass was discovered incidentally on a chest radiograph. Chest CT showed a peripheral nodule in the VI segment of the left lung. An atypical resection was performed with video-assisted thoracoscopy. Histopathological findings on frozen sections indicated that the lesion was benign. During the definitive histopathological analysis, tumor tissue was observed consisting of weakly to moderately cellular solid sheet-like arrangements of tumor cells, with uniform, round to slightly oval nuclei and a small amount of cytoplasm. After definitive histological and immunohistochemical analysis, the finding corresponded to epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. Conclusion: Considering the rarity of the tumor, our case will complement the literature both on the topic of epithelioid hemangioendothelioma and on the topic of primary vascular lung tumors.


Key words:

primary pulmonary sarcoma; epithelioid hemangioendothelioma; vascular tumors






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PDF: 11-Gardić N. et al MD-Medical Data 2023;15(3) 119-122.pdf



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