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CIP -  Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MD : Medical Data : medicinska revija = medical review / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Lalošević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009)- . - Zemun : Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija ; Novi Sad : Pasterovo društvo, 2009- (Beograd : Scripta Internacional). - 30 cm

Dostupno i na: - Tri puta godišnje.

ISSN 1821-1585 = MD. Medical Data
COBISS.SR-ID 158558988





Nevena Berberski1, Jovana Krasić1, Aleksandra Cvetinović1, Aleksandra Tatić1, Ksenija Bošković1,2, Jelena Zvekić-Svorcan1,2

1Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet Novi Sad, Republika Srbija
2Specijalna bolnica za reumatske bolesti Novi Sad, Republika Srbija


UDK: 616.711-009.7-08

The paper was received / Rad primljen: 31.08.2023.

Accepted / Rad prihvaćen: 12.09.2023.


Correspondence to:

Doc. dr Jelena Zvekić-Svorcan
Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
Specijalna bolnica za reumatske bolesti Novi Sad
Futoška 68, 21 000 Novi Sad, Republika Srbija






Uvod: Lumbalni sindrom predstavlja bol u lumbalnom delu kičme sa ili bez propagacije u donje ekstremitete. Bol dovodi do otežanog učestvovanja pojedinca u svakodnevnim životnim aktivnostima. Cilj rada : Ispitati efekat Horizontalne terapije na aktivnosti u svakodnevnom životu kod pacijenata sa lumbalnim sindromom. Materijal i metode: Prospektivna studija preseka je obuhvatila 33 ispitanika oba pola, starosti ≥ 30 godina, obolelih od lumbalnog sindroma, sa prisutnim bolom u lumbalnom delu kičme, lečenih u Specijalnoj bolnici za reumatske bolesti u Novom Sadu. Za istraživanje je dobijena saglasnog od Etičkog odbora Specijalne bolnice za reumatske bolesti Novi Sad. Svi ispitanici su potpisali saglasnost o učestvovanju u istraživanju. Ispitanici su lečeni Horizontalnom terapijom deset terapijskih dana i kineziterapijom istog protokola. Svi  ispitanici su popunili upitnik o sociodemografskim podacima, sastavljenim od strane ispitivača. Pre i posle terapije, svi ispitanici su popunili Osvestri  upitnik  o onesposobljenosti (Oswestry Disability Index).  Za obradu podataka korišćen je statistički paket SPSS ver. 25. (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for Windows. Rezultati: Prosečna visina ispitanika izražena u centimetrima iznosi M=169,45, dok je prosečna težina izražena u kilogramima M=79,30. Srednje vrednosti skora Osvestrijevog upitnika tokom ispitivanog perioda su se statistički značajno smanjile (pre terapije M= 15,24,posle terapije M=13,00). Ispitanici koji rade u privatnom sektoru (M=14,63) i penzioneri/nezaposleni (M=14,94) imaju statistički značajno više skorove na Osvestrijevom upitniku o onesposobljenosti u odnosu na one koji rade u državnom sektoru (M=8,11), p=0,054. Statistički značajne razlike postoje i kada su u pitanju očekivanja od terapije. Naime, oni koji su imali mala očekivanja od terapije, oni imaju visoke skorove na Osvestrijevom upitniku (M=36,00), p=0,003. Oni ispitanici koji su odsustvali sa posla zbog sadašnje bolesti u poslednja 3 meseca imaju najviše skorove na Osvestrijevom upitniku (M=17,33) u odnosu na penzionere i nezaposlene (M=14,94), ali i one koji nemaju pomenuto odsustvo (M=7,82), p=0,007. Zaključak: Horizontalna terapija u kombinaciji sa kineziterapijom dovela je do smanjenja onesposobljenosti u aktivnostima svakodnevnog života kod pacijenata sa lumbalnim sindromom. Viši stepen onesposobljenosti imale su osobe koje rade u privatnom sektoru, koja imaju mala očekivanja od terapije i ispitanici koji su odsustvovali sa posla u poslednja 3 meseca.


Ključne reči:

lumbalni sindrom; aktivnosti svakodnevnog života; onesposobljenost; Horizontalna terapija






Introduction : Lumbar syndrome represents pain in the lumbar part of the spine with or without propagation to the lower extremities. Pain leads to difficulty in the individuals participation in daily life activities. The Aim: To examine the effect of horizontal therapy on activities of daily living in patients with lumbar syndrome. Materials and Methods : A prospective cross-sectional study included 33 subjects of both sexes, aged ≥ 30 years, suffering from lumbar syndrome, with pain in the lumbar spine, treated at the Special hospital for rheumatic diseases in Novi Sad. Consent for the research was obtained from the Ethics committee of the Special hospital for rheumatic diseases in Novi Sad. All subjects signed consent to participate in the research. The subjects were treated with Horizontal therapy for ten therapeutic days and with kinesitherapy of the same protocol. All subjects filled out a questionnaire on sociodemographic data compiled by the examiner. Before and after therapy, all subjects filled out the Oswestry Disability Index. The statistical package SPSS ver. was used for data processing. 25. (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for Windows.
Results :  The average height of the subjects expressed in centimeters is M=169.45, while the average weight expressed in kilograms is M=79.30. The mean scores of the Oswestry questionnaire during the examined period decreased statistically significantly (before therapy M= 15.24, after therapy M=13.00). Subjects working in the private sector (M=14.63) and retired/unemployed (M=14.94) have statistically significantly higher scores on the Oswestry disability questionnaire compared to those working in the public sector (M=8.11) , p=0.054. Statistically significant differences also exist when it comes to expectations from therapy. Namely, those who had low expectations from the therapy, they have high scores on the Oswestry questionnaire (M=36.00), p=0.003. Those subjects who were absent from work due to current illness in the last 3 months have the highest scores on the Oswestry questionnaire (M=17.33) compared to retired and unemployed (M=14.94), but also those who do not have the mentioned absence (M =7.82), p=0.007. Conclusion : Horizontal therapy in combination with kinesitherapy led to a reduction in disability in activities of daily living in patients with lumbar syndrome. People who work in the private sector, who have low expectations of therapy, and subjects who have been absent from work in the last 3 months had a higher degree of disability.


Key words:

low back pain; activities of daily living; disability; Horizontal therapy






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PDF: 02-Berberski N. et al MD-Medical Data 2023;15(3) 073-078.pdf



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