Miloš Lazić1, Amra Mačak Hadžiomerović1, Anka Vukičević1,2, Ranka Ogurlić1,3, Aldina Alibegović1, Dženan Pleho1,4
1University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Health Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2NGO “Ljepota zdravlja” Nikšić, Montenegro
3Health Center, Herceg Novi, Montenegro
4The Public Institution Health Centre of Sarajevo Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina
UDK: 613.95:004/007
The paper was received / Rad primljen: 27.07.2021.
Accepted / Rad prihvaćen: 30.08.2021.
Correspondence to:
Miloš Lazić
Phone: 00387 65 225327
Phone: 381 63 8054585
Introduction: A disbalance between dimensions of school furniture and antropometry of the body is considered to be one of the main reason that leads to discomfort and musculoskeletal disorders in various parts of child's body.Time spent on a computer involves muscular activity of low level in the area of the neck, shoulder girdle and back,which as a consequence can have muscle strain,compression and inflammation of peripheral nerves,as well as reduced blood circulation. Goal: To explore the influence of information and communication technologies on children’s health through scientific review of literature. Material and methods: Non-experimental qualitative research about influence of information and communication technologies on children's health by using relevant databases. Results and discussion:The results showed that using modern technology considerably more presents a detriment to children,especially in the field of health than it presents a benifit to them. The most of the authors agreed that the main problems are related to locomot aparat.Inadequate posture while sitting over computer, the children take incorrect positions,that manifest in a bad posture after some time.Conclusion: In researching the influence of information and communication technologies on children's health,the outlined evidences based on the discussion of the attitudes and opinions of other authors lead to the conclusion that there is a wide range of harmful consequences on children's health because of an ever-increasing and more frequent use of computers,tablets, consoles and mobile phones.
Information and communication technologies, children, health, postural deviations
Uvod:Neusaglašenosti između dimenzija školskog namještaja i antropometrija tijela smatra se glavnim uzrokom koji dovodi do nelagode i mišićno-koštanih tegoba u raznim dijelovima dječjeg tijela.Vrijeme provedeno na računaru uključuje mišićnu aktivnost niskog nivoa u predjelu vrata, ramenog pojasa i leđa, što može imati za posljedicu lokalno naprezanje mišića, kompresiju i upalu perifernih nerava, kao i smanjenu cirkulaciju krvi. Cilj:Ispitati uticaj informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija na zdravlje djece kroz naučni pregled literature. Materijal i metode:Neeksperimentalno kvalitativno istraživanje o uticaju informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija na zdravlje djece u kojem su korištene relevantne baze podataka.Rezultati i diskusija: Rezultati su pokazali da moderne tehnologije mogu mnogo više oduzeti djeci, prvenstveno na polju zdravlja, nego što im može dononijeti korist njihova upotreba. Većina autora je zaključila da se najveći problemi odnose na lokomotorni apart. Neadekvatnim položajem prilikom sjedenja za računarom, djeca zauzimaju nepravile položaje, koji se nakon određenog vremena manifestuje lošim držanjem tijela. Zaključak:Istražujući uticaj informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija na zdravlje djece, navedeni dokazi navode na zaključak da je širok spektar štetnih posljedica na zdravlje djece zbog sve veće i češće upotrebe računara, tableta, konzola za igirce i mobilnih telefona.
Ključne reči:
Informacione i komunikacione tehnologije, djeca, zdravlje,posturalna odstupanja
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PDF: 03-MD-Vol 13 No 3-4 Sept-Dec 2021_Lazić M. et al.pdf