Džemail S. Detanac1 , Mehmed Mujdragić1 , Dženana A. Detanac1 , Mersudin Mulić2 , Biljana Lazović 3
1General hospital Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia
2State university Novi Pazar, Serbia
3Clinical center Zemun, Belgrade, Serbia
UDK: 616.379-008.64-06:617.586
The paper was received / Rad primljen: 19.01.2020.
Accepted / Rad prihvaćen: 20.02.2020.
Correspondence to:
Džemail S. Detanac
General hospital Novi Pazar,
St Generala Živkovića 1
Novi Pazar, Serbia
mob tel +381 64 6370 412
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease of global significance with a growing number of patients. Diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) is defined as ulceration of the foot which develops as a result of peripheral neuropathy, ischemia as a result of peripheral vascular disease, repetitive trauma, and infection. It can be classified as the neuropathic and ischemic foot and the treatment is always multidisciplinary. Patients with DM lower limb amputations and ulceration rates can be reduced by the implementation of therapeutic and preventative foot care strategies.
Key words:
Diabetic foot syndrome, Diabetes mellitus, Hyperglycemia, diabetic neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease
Dijabetes melitus (DM) je hronična bolest od globalnog značaja, s rastućim brojem bolesnika. Sindrom dijabetesnog stopala (DFS) definiše se kao ulceracija stopala koja se razvija kao rezultat periferne neuropatije, ishemije kao rezultat periferne vaskularne bolesti, ponavljajuće trauma i infekcije. Može se klasifikovati kao neuropatsko i ishemijsko stopalo, a lečenje je uvek multidisciplinarno. Procenat amputacija donjih ekstremiteta i ulceracija kod pacijenata sa dijabetes melitusom, može se smanjiti primenom terapijskih i preventivnih mera nege stopala.
Ključne reči:
sindrom dijabetesnog stopala, dijabetes melitus, hiperglikemija, dijabetesna neuropatija, periferna vaskularna bolest
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PDF Detanac S. Dž. et al • MD-Medical Data 2020;12(1): 021-024