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CIP -  Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MD : Medical Data : medicinska revija = medical review / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Lalošević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009)- . - Zemun : Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija ; Novi Sad : Pasterovo društvo, 2009- (Beograd : Scripta Internacional). - 30 cm

Dostupno i na: - Tri puta godišnje.

ISSN 1821-1585 = MD. Medical Data
COBISS.SR-ID 158558988




Mirjana Tomić1, Dragan Tešić1,3, Milena Mitrović1,3, Radoslav Pejin1,3, Dragica Andrić2, Stefan Andrić 2

1Klinički centar Vojvodine, Hajduk Veljkova 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Srbija
2Institut za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine, Put doktora Goldmana 4, 21204 Sremska Kamenica, Vojvodina, Srbija
3Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet, Hajduk Veljkova 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Srbija


UDK: 616-008.6:577.112

The paper was received / Rad primljen: 09.05.2019.

Accepted / Rad prihvaćen: 14.05.2019


Correspondence to:

Mirjana Tomić
Klinički centar Vojvodine
Hajduk Veljkova 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Srbija,
Tel: +38163566344





Diabetic nephropathy, in its natural course, is initially manifested by the appearance of proteinuria. The aim of this  study was to establish the presence of classical risk factors in patients with diabetes (DM), divided into groups according to severity of proteinuria. Patients with proteinuria (PRU) 50-149.9 mg/24h included n1 = 180, those with PrU 150- 499.9 mg/dU n2= 165 and n3=99 with PrU <50mg/dU. The last ones were a control group. All values ​​are expressed in a median value (middleof the sequencenumbers). Patients with initial proteinuria had a later beginning of DM (39 vs. 33 yrs; p <0.05) and elevated levels of triglycerides (1.38 vs. 1.23 mmol/l) than the control group, with statistical significance. The tendency of significance showed at age (49 vs. 46yrs; p=0.08) and BMI (26.3 vs. 25.4 kg/m2; p=0.06). A group of subjects who had a clear proteinuria comparing to the control group of patients with normoproteinuria was significantly older (54 vs. 46yrs; p <0.01) and lower (165 vs. 168cm; p= 0.01), BMI (26.9 vs. 25.4kg/m2; p <0.01), with fewer injections of insulin (1 vs. 2), with later onset diabetes (41 vs. 33yrs; p <0.01), with higher systolic (140 vs. 130 mmHg) and diastolic pressure (85 vs. 80mmHg), triglycerides (1.64 vs.1.23 mmHg; p=0.01), type 2 diabetes vs. type 1 (60 vs. 44.5%). Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the initial pathological proteinuria values are ​​characteristic of type 2 diabetes and are associated with hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension, and less intensive insulin treatment in patients translated into insulin therapy.




hypertension, triglyceridemia, obesity, diabetes, proteinuria





Dijabetesna (DM) nefropatija, u svom prirodnom toku, inicijalno se manifestuje pojavom proteinurije. Cilj rada bio je da se kod dijabetesnih bolesnika (DM), razvrstanih na grupe po izraženosti proteinurije, ustanovi prisustvo klasičnih faktora rizika. Bolesnika sa proteinurijom (PrU) 50-149.9mg/24h uključeno je n1= 180,onih sa  PrU 150-499,9 mg/dU n2= 165 i n3=99 sa PrU <50mg/dU. Ovi poslednji su ujedno bili i  kontrolna grupa. Sve vrednosti su izražene sa medijanom (srednjim članom ispitivanog niza brojeva). Bolesnici sa inicijalnom proteinurijom od kontrolne grupe značajno su se razlikovali po kasnijem početku DM (39 vs. 33 god.; p <0.05) i povišenim vrednostima triglicerida (1.38 vs. 1.23 mmol/l).  Tendenciju značajnosti je pokazivala starost (49 vs. 46god.; p=0.08) i BMI (26.3 vs. 25.4 kg/m2; p=0.06). Grupa ispitanika koji su imali jasnu proteinuriju je u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, normoproteinuričnih bolesnika, bila značajno starija (54 vs. 46god.; p<0.01), niža (165 vs. 168cm; p= 0.01), BMI (26.9 vs. 25.4kg/m2; p <0.01), sa manjim brojem injekcija insulina (1 vs. 2), sa kasnijim početkom dijabetesa (41 vs. 33god.; p <0.01), sa višom sistolnom (140 vs. 130 mmHg) i dijastolnom tenzijom (85 vs. 80mmHg), trigliceridima (1.64 vs.1.23mmol/L; p=0.01), tip 2 dijabetesa vs. tip 1 (60 vs. 44.5%). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su početne patološke vrednosti proteinurija karakteristika tipa 2 dijabetesa sa pridruženom i povišenim vrednostima triglicerida i hipertenzijom, te manje intenzivnim insulinskim tretmanom u bolesnika prevedenih na insulinsku terapiju. 



Ključne reči:

hipertenzija, trigliceridemija, gojaznost, šećerna bolest, proteinurija.





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PDF Mirjana Tomić • MD-Medical Data 2018;10(4): 173-177




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