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CIP -  Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MD : Medical Data : medicinska revija = medical review / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Lalošević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009)- . - Zemun : Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija ; Novi Sad : Pasterovo društvo, 2009- (Beograd : Scripta Internacional). - 30 cm

Dostupno i na: - Tri puta godišnje.

ISSN 1821-1585 = MD. Medical Data
COBISS.SR-ID 158558988




Mihaela Okuka1, Biljana Lakić2, Maja Račić3

1Javna zdravstvena ustanova Dom zdravlja Nevesinje, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
2Javna zdravstvena ustanova Dom zdravlja Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
3Medicinski fakultet Foča Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina


The paper was received on 12.02.2017. / Accepted on 22.02.2017


Correspondence to

Biljana Lakić
Sime Matavulja 4
78000 Banja Luka
Mob. 0038765951255
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Background: The physicians in Primary Heath Care (PHC), in addition to diseases based on physical causes, are increasingly faced with mental disorders that occurs as an independent construction or as construction on pre-existing disease. Due to the increase in the number of patients there is a need for educating health professionals to better treatmental illnessin PHC. Objective: The aim of this reaserch was to examine the attitudes of family physicians in Republic of Srpska about psychoterapy. Methods: A cross-sectional study included 190 respondents, the physicians who work in teams of family medicine throughout RepublikaSrpskain the period from May to October 2016. The survey instrument used was a questionnaire consisted of six parts including: demographic data of respondents,knowledge of physicians about the indications for referral to psychotherapy and counseling, the reasons for not sending patients on psychotherapy and counseling, physician attitudes about psychotherapy and counseling, awareness of family doctors about psychotherapy as a method of treatment, and awareness of family doctor education in a psychotherapeutic directions. Results: Respondents were divided into two groups according to age. The average age was 41.01 (SD = 9.62) years, including 29 (15.3%) men and 161 (84.7%) women. Given the level of education and specialization, 26.8% of physiciansare without specialization, 20.5% of the physicians are in residency, 36.3% are specialists in family medicine (PM), 14.7% are specialists with other specialties education in the PM, while the smallest number of respondents (1.6%) is a group of specialists in other branches of medicine. The average number of patients with psychiatric diagnosis per team is 16.26 (4.28), and the average proportion of the patients that are sent for psychotherapy was 8.01 (2.68) Conclusion: The majority of physicians in PHChave opinion that mental illness should be treated also with psychotherapy. Due to fact that only a fifth of physicians is trained in psychotherapy, wish of our doctors is for further education in this field to improve the quality of health care.




Key words:

mental disorders, family physicians, psychotherapy





Uvod: Ljekari u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti(PZZ) su pored organskih fizičkih bolesti danas sve više suočeni sa mentalnim poremaćajima koji se javljaju kao nezavisni ili kao nadogradnja prethodno postojeće bolesti. Zbog porasta broja oboljelih javlja se i potreba za edukacijom zdravstvenih profesionalaca kako bi se i mentalne bolesti bolje liječile u PZZ. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispitataju stavovi ljekara porodične medicine u Republici Srpskoj o psihoterapiji. Metode: Studijom presjeka je obuhvaćeno 190 ispitanika, ljekara koji rade u timovima porodične medicine širom Republike Srpske u periodu od maja do oktobra 2016. godine. Kao instrument istraživanja korišten je upitnik koji se sastojao iz šest dijelova i to: demografski podaci ispitanika Znanje ljekara o indikacijama za upućivanje na psihoterapiju I savjetovanje, razlozi neupućivanja pacijenata na psihoterapiju I savjetovanje, stavovi ljekara o psihoterapiji I savjetovanju, informisanost ljekara porodične medicine o psihoterapiji kao metodi liječenja, kao I informisanost ljekara porodične medicine o edukaciji iz nekog psihoterapeutskog pravca. Rezultati: Ispitanici su podijeljeni u dvije grupe u odnosu na starost. Prosječna starost ispitanika je 41,01 (SD=9,62) godina, među kojima je 29 (15,3%) muškaraca i 161 (84,7%) žena. S obzirom na nivo obrazovanja i specijalnosti, 26,8% ispitanika su ljekari bez specijalizacije, 20,5% ispitanika su ljekari na specijalizaciji, 36,3% su specijalisti porodične medicine (PM), 14,7% ispitanika su specijalisti druge specijalnosti sa edukacijom iz PM, dok je najmanji broj ispitanika (1,6%) činila grupa specijalista drugih grana medicine. Prosječan broj pacijenata sa psihijatrijskom dijagnozom u timu je 16,26 (4,28), a prosječan procenat pacijenata koji se upute na psihoterapiju je 8,01 (2,68), Zaključak: Većina ljekara u PZZ smatra da se mentalne bolesti trebaju liječiti i psihoterapijom. S obzirom na samo petinu edukovanih ljekara iz psihoterapije, izražena je želja naših ljekara za ovakvom vrstom edukacije kako bi se unaprijedio kvalitet zdravstvene zaštite.



Ključne reči:

mentalne bolesti, ljekari porodične medicine, psihoterapija





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UDK: 615.851:614.25
COBISS.SR-ID 239037964

PDFOkuka M. et al MD-Medical Data 2017;9(2): 107-112




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