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CIP -  Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MD : Medical Data : medicinska revija = medical review / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Lalošević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009)- . - Zemun : Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija ; Novi Sad : Pasterovo društvo, 2009- (Beograd : Scripta Internacional). - 30 cm

Dostupno i na: - Tri puta godišnje.

ISSN 1821-1585 = MD. Medical Data
COBISS.SR-ID 158558988




Gesila Endashaw1, Mulugeta Shegaze1, Tadele Girum2

1Department of Nursing, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Arbaminch University, Arbaminch, Ethiopia
2Department of Public Health, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia


The paper was received on 12.05.2017/ Accepted on. 30.05.2017.


Correspondence to

Tadele Girum,
Tel: +251913652268





Back ground: Early initiation of and properly timed antenatal care (ANC) is thought to reduce the risk of late pregnancy complication. To this end current study examined if timing of the first ANC visit influences the risk of late pregnancy complication. Status of early antenatal care booking and its association with late pregnancy complication is not yet studied in Ethiopia in general. Therefore, this study aimed to assess timing of antenatal care booking and its association with late pregnancy complications in Arbaminch general hospital. Method: Hospital based comparative Cross-sectional study was conducted in Arbaminch Hospital. All delivery records of the year 2015 were included. A total of 670 medical records were used to collect data by using checklist. Binary and multiple logistic Regression was carried out adjusting for maternal characteristics using SPSS version 20. Chai square test was used for group comparison. Result: The level of early booking for ANC is 24.2%. The prevalence of late pregnancy complication; severe pre-eclampsia, anemia and eclampsia was prevalent in 16.1%, 19.3 % and 10.6% respectively. Late commencing ANC associated was significantly associated with severe pre-eclampsia (AOR=2.77, 95 % C.I:1.44-5.3), eclampsia (AOR=3.9, 95 % C.I:1.7-9.01), anemia (AOR=2.04, 95% C.I:1.2-3.5). Conclusion: Mean antenatal care is not providing its promises for the study area. Late pregnancy complication is more common in late booked mothers than early booked for antenatal care. There for intervention is needed to early initiate first visit.




Key words:

Early ANC booking, late pregnancy complications, Gestational age, Arbaminch





Background: Smatra se da rano započinjanje i propisno vreme antenatalne nege (ANC) smanjuju rizik od komplikacija u kasnoj trudnoći. U tu svrhu studija je proučavala kako vreme prve posete ANC-a utiče na rizik od komplikacija kasne trudnoće. U Etiopiji se uopšte ne proučava stanje rezervacije rane prenatalne nege i njegova povezanost sa komplikacijama kasne trudnoće. Zbog toga je ova studija imala za cilj da proceni vremenski raspored rezervacije za antenatalnu negu i njegovu povezanost sa komplikacijama kasne trudnoće u generalnoj bolnici Arbaminch. Metod: Komparativna studija preseka sprovedena je u bolnici Arbaminch. Uključeni su svi porođaji za 2015. godinu. Za prikupljanje podataka korišćeno je ukupno 670 medicinskih zapisa. Binarna i višestruka logistička regresija izvršena je prilagođavanjem materinskim karakteristikama koristeći SPSS verziju 20. Chai kvadratni test korišćen je za upoređivanje grupa. Rezultat: Nivo ranog rezervisanja za ANC je 24,2%. Rasprostranjenost komplikacija kasne trudnoće bile su teška preeklampsija, anemija i eklampsija preovlađuju u 16,1%, 19,3% i 10,6% respektivno. Kasnije započinjanje ANC značajno je povezano sa teškom preeklampsijom (AOR = 2.77, 95% CI: 1.44-5.3), eklampsijom (AOR = 3.9, 95% CI: 1.7-9.01), anemijom (AOR = 2,04, 95% CI : 1.2-3.5). Zaključak: Srednja antenatalna nega ne daje sigurnost za područje studiranja. Kasne komplikacije trudnoće su češće kod kasno primljenih majki na antenatalnu negu. Potrebno je intervenisati da bi se što pre desila prva poseta.



Ključne reči:

rana rezervacija ANC-a, komplikacije u kasnoj trudnoći, gestacijska dob, Arbaminch





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UDK: 618.3-06(63)"2016"
COBISS.SR-ID 239027468

PDF Endshaw G. et al MD-Medical Data 2017;9(2): 081-087




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