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CIP -  Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MD : Medical Data : medicinska revija = medical review / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Lalošević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009)- . - Zemun : Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija ; Novi Sad : Pasterovo društvo, 2009- (Beograd : Scripta Internacional). - 30 cm

Dostupno i na: - Tri puta godišnje.

ISSN 1821-1585 = MD. Medical Data
COBISS.SR-ID 158558988




Vesna Krstović Spremo 1, Biljana Mijović 1,2

1Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Medicinski fakultet Foča, Katedra za primarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu i javno zdravstvo, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
2Zavod za javno zdravlje Užice, Republika Srbija


The paper was received on 20.01.2017. / Accepted on 31.01.2017


Correspondence to

Vesna Krstović-Spremo
University of East Sarajevo Department of Occupational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Foča,
East Sarajevo, Republic of Srpska,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel.: + 387 65 921 670 Fax.: + 387 58 210 007





Diabetes mellitus has a huge impact on the quality of life of people with diabetes, including also their work ability. Work absenteeism is a phenomenon of absence from work due to various causes, of which the most common are: sickness, occupational disease, injury at work, injury outside work, care of a family member or some other reason. Quality of life is mentioned as a specific term for medical research in the last few decades of the last century, giving the answer to the question what is a subjective assessment of the own level of functioning of the patient, as well as an objective assessment of the health status of individuals or populations. Objective is to examine the quality of life of patients with diabetes in terms of work absenteeism as well as their overall quality of life. Material and Methods. The research was done by type of cross-sectional study using the standard methodology of the WHO among patients of the   two primary health  care centers Pale  and East Sarajevo between May 2012 and November 2012. The sample consisted of 150 randomly selected patients with diabetes, who are insulin dependent. Subjects were divided into two groups according to the working status of the employees,  professional working personnel and the unemployed. As an instrument of research used a questionnaire WHO for testing the quality of life (SF-36), as well as specially designed general questionnaire for test purposes. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was performed in SPSS. Results. The obtained values indicate that the quality of life (QOL) of patients with diabetes is significantly reduced compared to the QOL of general population (50.0). Work absenteeism in the last year was found in as many as 67.7% of respondents. According to the questionnaire of the quality of life values of all domains of SF-36v2 in patients who were not on sick leave are higher than the value of the domain of the respondents who were absent from work, however, differences of domain values are not statistically significant for the domain PF (p = 0.375), RP ( p = 0.837) and BP (p = 0.326), VT (p = 0.305), SF (p = 0.687), RE (p = 0.386) and the MH (p = 0.418) and is statistically significant in the domain of GH (p = 0.019).The differences value of summary scores were not statistically significant in any of the PCS (p = 0.164) as well as  MCS (p = 0.417). Conclusion: Work absenteeism occurs in a high percentage in patients with diabetes. The quality of life of people with diabetes is significantly worse in all tested domains compared to the average population, but in terms of work absenteeism of employees shows deviations in the domain of general health (GH). Due to the epidemic nature of diabetes, although it is non-infectious, mass disease, it would be useful as part of preventive action to take measures for longer preservation of work ability of patients, so as to reduce the appearance of their work disability.


Key words

diabetes, quality of life, work absenteeism.






Dijabetes melitus ima ogroman uticaj na kvalitet života oboljelih osoba, a u sklopu toga i na njihovu radnu sposobnost. Radni apsentizam je pojava izostanka sa posla usljed različitih uzroka od kojih su najčešći: bolest, profesionalna bolest, povreda na radu,  povreda van rada,  njega člana porodice ili neki drugi razlog. Kvalitet života se pominje kao specifičan termin u medicinskim istraživanjima unazad nekoliko poslednjih decenija prošlog vijeka dajući odgovor na pitanje kakva je subjektivna procjena vlastitog stepena funkcionisanja samog pacijenta, ali i objektivnu procjenu zdravstvenog stanja pojedinca ili populacije. Cilj rada je ispitivanje kvaliteta života pacijenata oboljelih od dijabetesa sa aspekta radnog apsentizma  kao i ispitivanje njihovog opšteg kvaliteta života. Materijal i metode rada. Istraživanje je obavljeno po tipu studije presjeka po jedinstvenoj metodologiji SZO među pacijentima Doma zdravlja Pale i Doma zdravlja Istočno Sarajevo periodu od maja 2012. do novembra 2012.godine. Uzorak je činilo 150 slučajno odabranih  pacijenata oboljelih od dijabetesa, a koji su inzulin zavisni. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u dvije grupe prema radnom statusu na zaposlene tj, profesionalno radno angažovane i nezaposlene. Kao instrument istraživanja korišteni su upitnik SZO za ispitivanje kvaliteta života (SF-36),kao i posebno kreiran opšti upitnik za potrebe ispitivanja. Statistička obrada ovako dobijenih podataka je vršena u programu SPSS. Rezultati. Dobijene vrijednosti ukazuju da je kvalitet života (QOL) ispitanika koji boluju od dijabetesa značajno umanjen u odnosu na QOL prosječne populacije (50,0). Radni apsentizam tj. bolovanje u poslednjoj godini je utvrđeno kod čak 67,7%  ispitanika. Prema upitniku o kvalitetu života vrijednosti svih domena upitnika SF-36v2 kod ispitanika koji nisu bili na bolovanju veće su od  vrijednosti domena ispitanika koji su odsustvovali sa posla, međutim dobijene razlike vrijednosti domena nisu statistički značajne za domene PF (p= 0,375), RP (p= 0,837) i BP (p= 0,326), VT  (p= 0,305), SF (p= 0,687), RE (p= 0,386) i MH (p= 0,418), a statistički su značajne kod domena GH (p= 0,019). Dobijene razlike vrijednosti sumarnih skorova nisu statistički značajne ni kod PCS (p= 0,164) kao ni kod MCS (p= 0,417). Zaključak. Radni apsentizam se kod oboljelih od dijabetesa javlja u visokom procentu. Kvalitet života oboljelih od dijabetesa je značajno lošiji u svim ispitivanim domenima u odnosu na neoboljele, a sa aspekta radnog apsentizma zaposlenih pokazuje odstupanja u domenu opšte zdravlje (GH ).Zbog epidemijskog karaktera dijabetesa, iako je to nezarazna, masovna bolest bilo bi korisno u sklopu preventivnog djelovanja poduzimati mjere za duže očuvanje radne sposobnosti oboljelih, čime bi se smanjila i pojava njihove radne invalidnosti.



Ključne reči

dijabetes,  radni apsentizam, kvalitet života






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UDK: 314.422.2(1-773) "2006/2016"
COBISS.SR-ID 230577420

PDF Krstović Spremo V. and Mijović B. •MD-Medical Data 2017;9(1): 051-055




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