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CIP -  Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MD : Medical Data : medicinska revija = medical review / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Lalošević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009)- . - Zemun : Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija ; Novi Sad : Pasterovo društvo, 2009- (Beograd : Scripta Internacional). - 30 cm

Dostupno i na: - Tri puta godišnje.

ISSN 1821-1585 = MD. Medical Data
COBISS.SR-ID 158558988




Getandale Zeleke (B.pharm)*,

Jimma University, Health Institute, School of pharmacy


The paper was received on 03.01.2017. / Accepted on 31.01.2017.


Correspondence to

Dr Vera Vukić
11080 Zemun, Đorđa Pantelića 24,





Background: Drug information service refers to duties performed by pharmacists in providing any drug related information to healthcare professionals for provision of better patient care. The provision of drug information is a fundamental and unique responsibility of clinical pharmacists in healthcare system.
Purpose: To assess the attitude and behavior of physicians and pharmacists in Jimma University specialized hospital (JUSH) towards provision of drug information services. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 40 physicians and 50 pharmacists. A twenty-item question was added to assess the attitude and behavior of the respondents towards provision of drug information services. Respondents were requested to rate necessity of each item by selecting among, Not Important at all to Very Important (lowest to highest). The instrument was prefaced: Very important, Important, Less important and Not important at all. Their attitude and behavior were expressed in term of item-performance. The percentage item-performance was calculated to reflect the level of necessity of each items; high percentage item-performance of an item correlates with high level of necessity of the item in provision of drug information services and vice versa. Results: Out of 90 questionnaires administered, 82 were retrieved given a response rate of 91.2%.The main sources of drug information were medical journals (81%), Internets (72%), Specialty handbooks (70%) and Medical representatives of drug manufacturers (64%) respectively. The most frequently requested drug information areas were adverse drug reactions (81%), dosage/administration (74%), therapeutics (71%), Drug interaction(67%).The attitude and behavior of physicians and pharmacists towards provision of drug information services in JUSH were positive. The study revealed two important facilitators  and  3 barriers  as  the  major  factors  for quality provision of drug  information  services in JUSH. The two major facilitators in effective and efficient provision of DI services are Support from Non-governmental organizations may help DIC (81%) and Budget allocation to health-care system (79%).  Conclusion: This study revealed that physicians and pharmacists in JUSH had positive attitude and behavior towards provision of drug information services.


Key words

Attitude, Behavior, Jimma university specialized hospital, drug information services, physicians, pharmacist.





Kontekst: Informacioni servis za lekove se odnosi na dužnosti koje obavljaju farmaceuti u pružanju bilo kakve informacije o lekovima zdravstvenom osoblju u cilju bolje nege pacijenata. Pružanje informacija o lekovima je osnovna i jedinstvena odgovornost kliničkih farmaceuta u sistemu zdravstvene zaštite.
Cilj: Procena stava i ponašanja lekara i farmaceuta u Džima Univerzitetskoj Specijalnoj bolnici (JUSH) u pružanju informacionih usluga o lekovima. Metode: Upitnik je primenjen na 40 lekara i 50 farmaceuta. Dvadeset pitanja je uzeto da proceni stav i ponašanje ispitanika prema pružanju informacionih usluga o lekovima. Ispitanici su bili zamoljeni da ocene značaj svakog pitanja izborom 4 stepena  odgovora od “nije bitno uopšte” do “veoma važno” (od najnižeg do najvišeg značaja). Njihov stav i ponašanje su izraženi kao stavka od tačke performansi. Procenat tačke performansi je izračunat da odražava nivo potrebe svakog ispitanika; Visok procenat  performansi jedne stavke je u korelaciji sa
visokim stepenom neophodnosti stavke u pružanju informacionih usluga o lekovima i obrnuto. Rezultati: Od 90 ispitanika, 82 je odgovorilo (91,2%). Glavni izvor informacija o lekovima su medicinski časopisi (81%), internet (72%), specijalni priručnici (70%) i medicinski predstavnici proizvođača leka (64%). Najčešće tražene informacije u oblasti lekova su neželjene reakcije na lek (81%), doze i način primene (74%), terapijska primena (71%), interakcije (67%). Stavovi i ponašanje lekara i farmaceuta prema pružanju informacija o lekovima u JUSH su bili pozitivni. Studija je otkrila dve bitne vodilje i 3 prepreke kao glavne faktore za kvalitetno pružanje informacionih usluga o lekovima u JUSH. Dve glavne
olakšavaju efektivno i efikasno pružanje usluga informacija o lekovima, podrška od nevladinih organizacija (81%) kao i raspodela budžeta u sistemu zdravstvene zaštite (79%). Zaključak: Ova studija je pokazala da su lekari i farmaceuti u JUSH imali pozitivan stav i ponašanje prema pružanju informacionih usluga o lekovima.



Ključne reči:

Stav, ponašanje, lekovi, informacioni servis, Džima univerzitetska bolnica.





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UDK: 614.253.8(63)
COBISS.SR-ID 230567180

PDF Zeleke G. • MD-Medical Data 2017;9(1): 027-031




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