Tatjana Lemić1, Dragana Dakovic, Tamara Zurovac, Danica Pejaković, Vladan Kovačević
1 Vojno medicinska akademija
• The paper was received on 29. 02.2016. / Accepted on 09.03.2016.
Bacteria and their by-products play an essential role in the development of dental pulp necrosis and periapical diseases. Therefore, the removal of pathogenic flora from the root canal system is the ultimate goal in endodontic treatment. Accepted steps of endodontic treatment in eradication of dental root canal infection include instrumental debridement by shaping and cleaning, irrigation by disinfectant solutions, such as sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and chlorhexidine (CHX) and in use of the antimicrobial agents. The choice of intracanal medicament depends on the proper diagnosis and of the treated state, as well as on the identification of causative bacteria and the mechanisms of their growth and survival. The most commonly used agents are Ca (OH)2 and antibiotic pastes. Each of the agents has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the further clinical studies are needed in order to select the most effective agent and/or their corresponding combinations.
Key words
teeth root canal infection, endodontic treatment, intercanal medicaments
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PDF Lemić T. et al • MD-Medical Data 2016;8(1)