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CIP -  Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MD : Medical Data : medicinska revija = medical review / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Lalošević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009)- . - Zemun : Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija ; Novi Sad : Pasterovo društvo, 2009- (Beograd : Scripta Internacional). - 30 cm

Dostupno i na: - Tri puta godišnje.

ISSN 1821-1585 = MD. Medical Data
COBISS.SR-ID 158558988





Maja Babić1, Svetlana Anđelković2

1Zavod za zdravstvenu zaštitu radnika „Železnice Srbije”, Niš, Srbija
2Zavod za zdravstvenu zaštitu radnika Niš, Niš, Srbija


UDK: 617.764.1-008.811

The paper was received / Rad primljen: 20.12.2023.

Accepted / Rad prihvaćen: 13.01.2024.


Correspondence to:

Maja Babić
Zavod za zdravstvenu zaštitu radnika „Železnice Srbije”
Dimitrija Tucovića 12, 18000 Niš, Srbija






Uvod: Kako su komjuteri postali primarni medijum za prijem informacija na poslu, u školi, kod kuće, kod velikog broja ljudi korisnika komjutera opisuje se komleks problema vezanih za vid i oči takozvani „kompjuterski vidni sindrom“ (CVS), ili bolest suvog oka. Bolest suvog oka je prepoznata kao rastući problem javnog zdravlja i jedno od najčešćih stanja u oftalmološkoj praksi, koje pogađa 5% - 35% opšte populacije. Materijal i metode: Ispitivanje je sprovedeno kod administrativnih radnika, koji su u okviru sistematskih pregleda u medicini rada imali ciljane oftalmološke preglede predviđene „Pravilnikom o preventivnim merama za bezbedan i zdrav rad pri korišćenju opreme za rad sa ekranom”(Sl. glasnik RS, br. 106/09, 93/13). Korišćeni su objektivni testovi u kliničkoj praksi merenjem sekrecije suza pomoću Schirmer testa. Rezultati: Studija je obuhvatila 304 ispitanika, od kojih 163 (43,6%) ženskog pola i 141 (46,4%) muškog pola. Njih 246 (80,9%) je bez suvog oka, sa potencijano suvim okom ih je 41 (13,5%), a najmanje ispitanika je sa suvim okom, 17 (5,6%). Najviše ispitanika starijih od 50 godina - 131 (43,1%), njih 27,4% sa suvim okom bolovalo je od Hypertensie arterialis, a 14,8% je bilo bez Hypertensiae. 31,6% sa suvim okom je imalo oboljenje štitne žlezde,17,3% nisu. Zastupljenost suvog oka više no dvostruko je veća kod ispitanika koji imaju DM (35,5 vs 17,2%), kao i kod ispitanika sa reumatološkim oboljenjima gde je zastupljenost veoma visoka 55,6%. Zaključak: Sprovedena studija je pokazala da korišćenja računara duže od 4 sata povezano sa povećanim rizikom od bolesti suvog oka. Faktori rizika za bolesti suvog oka uključuju starenje, ženski pol, upotrebu lekova. Naše istraživanje potvrđuje zastupljenost suvog oka kod ispitanika koji imaju oboljenje štitne žlezde, hypertensia arterialis, diabetes mellitus i reumatološka oboljenja, a usled prekomerne upotrebe računara sve češća su i lokomotorna oboljenja.


Ključne reči:

medicina rada, ciljani oftalmološki pregledi, faktori rizika






Introduction: As computers have become the primary medium for receiving information at work, at school, and at home, a complex of problems related to vision and eyes is described in many people who use computers, "computer vision syndrome" (CVS), or dry eye disease. Dry eye disease is recognized as a growing public health problem and one of the most common conditions in ophthalmology practice, affecting 5% - 35% of the general population. Material and methods: The examination was carried out among administrative workers, who, as part of systematic examinations in occupational medicine, had targeted ophthalmological examinations provided for by the "Regulation on preventive measures for safe and healthy work when using equipment for work with a screen" (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 106/09, 93/13). Objective tests were used in clinical practice to measure tear secretion using the Schirmer test. Results: The study included 304 respondents, of which 163 (43.6%) were female and 141 (46.4%) were male. 246 of them (80.9%) did not have dry eyes, 41 (13.5%) had potentially dry eyes, and the least number of respondents had dry eyes, 17 (5.6%). Most respondents over 50 years old - 131 (43.1%), 27.45% of them with dry eye suffered from hypertension, and 14.8% were without hypertension. 31.6% with dry eye had thyroid disease glands, and 17.3% did not. The prevalence of dry eye is more than twice as high in subjects with diabetes mellitus (35.5 vs 17.2%), and in subjects with rheumatological diseases, the prevalence is very high at 55.6%. Conclusion: A study showed that using a computer for more than 4 hours increases the risk of dry eye disease. Risk factors for dry eye disease include aging, female sex, and medication use. Our research confirms the prevalence of dry eye in subjects with thyroid disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, rheumatological diseases, and locomotor diseases is becoming more common due to the excessive use of computers.


Key words:

occupational medicine, targeted ophthalmological examinations, risk factors






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PDF: 01-Babić and Anđelković MD-Medical Data 2024;16(1) 009-015.pdf



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